About Healing Touch
Healing Touch is an energy therapy developed by Janet Mentgen, RN, BSN in 1989. Energy therapy is based on the idea that we are more than a physical body. Healing touch holds the belief that we also have an energy body made up of fields of energy. Energy flows in and out of our energy fields through our energy centers called chakras. The energy flow in our field and circulating in our chakras can become blocked or congested which can negatively affect our physical, emotional, and spiritual health. This hindered energy flow can cause many symptoms in the body. Healing Touch opens and clears the energy flow throughout the body which helps balance the mind, body, and spirit. Unblocking the energy field helps the body heal itself. It is deeply relaxing, and soothing, and reduces tension. A practitioner does Healing Touch by placing her/his hands gently on or just above the body using numerous hand positions and gestures.
What is a Healing Touch session like?
The first session starts with a health screening and intake. The practitioner will ask you questions or have you complete a questionnaire about your overall health - body, mind, emotions, and spirit. You and the practitioner will discuss anything you would like to work on in the session. You will then lie on a massage table. You keep your clothing on but for comfort, you remove your shoes. (Healing touch can also be done while sitting in a chair and even remotely over Zoom with you lying in bed or on a couch). Initially, the practitioner will assess your energy system. There are many different ways to do this. One way is to hold a pendulum above your chakras and other energy centers in your body. She/he will touch your body gently or place her/his hands slightly above your body performing hand gestures and holds to restore and balance your energy system. The session may last between 20 and 60 minutes. You can ask questions before or after a treatment. It may be most helpful to receive several Healing Touch sessions.